An effective search engine marketing service is about more than just advertising. It’s about seeing a solid return on investment through accurate
Web site statistics and
In the world of Internet business, it’s absolutely critical to know how well your Web site is working. Traditional forms of advertising made it difficult to connect marketing dollars with actual performance. Search engine marketing has changed that by tracking the direct relationship between dollars spent, customers received, and conversions generated. When choosing a search engine marketing service, accountability though statistical analysis and feedback is a must.
Keystroke Marketing takes the mystery out of
Internet advertising. A comprehensive solution, we offer both advanced
search engine marketing services and complete Web site statistics and reporting. In other words, you get solid results along with accountability. Our Web site reports make it easy to see the connection between the money you spend on marketing and the visitors, leads, and sales you acquire.
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Feedback also allows you to measure the effects of any changes made in your marketing strategy. This can dramatically increase the amount of control you have over your business. For example, if you compile Web site reports before and after a price change or site redesign, an analysis can be done providing valuable insight into customer behavior and response. Accurate Web site statistics can further highlight the positive returns of a professional search engine marketing service.
Web site reporting is especially important when building marketing initiatives that target a specific region. For instance, a Pennsylvania based company can use Web site analytics to transform an overly broad campaign into one that focuses on cities like Lancaster, York, and Harrisburg, PA. Coupled with
search engine optimization services, Web site reporting can be an extremely effective marketing tool.
Our Web Site Statistics and Reporting Services Include:
- Specific data about the number of people who are visiting your Web site
- Which pages on your site are the most popular
- Who is referring the most, high-quality traffic to your pages
- Graphs and charts showing trends and performance
- Which keywords and phrases are performing the best
- What content is generating the most leads and sales
- Where your visitors geographically located
Keystroke Marketing is firmly committed to the performance of its clients’ Web sites, showing real returns on investment. Frequent
Web site reporting can locate an underperforming portion of a site and quickly get it back on track. With Web site statistics, we can gauge everything from the number of visitors on your site to which search engines have referred the most potential customers, bringing trust and accountability to the world of Internet advertising.
Contact us today to learn more about our reporting and digital marketing services!
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